
Publications: Peer-reviewed journals

Cornil, Yann and Pierre Chandon (2013) “From Fan to Fat? Vicarious Losing Increases Unhealthy Eating, but Self-Affirmation Is an Effective Remedy,” Psychological Science, forthcoming. Download it here
Ordabayeva, Nailya and Pierre Chandon (2013) “Predicting and Managing Consumers’ Package Size Impressions.” Journal of Marketing, forthcoming. Download paper here. Download Excel Macro to compute optimal dimensions here.
Chandon, Pierre (2013), "How Package Design and Packaged-based Marketing Claims Lead to Overeating," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 35 (1), 7-31. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre and Brian Wansink (2012), “Does Food Marketing Need to Make us Fat? A Review and Solutions,” Nutrition Reviews, 70 (10), 571-593. Lead article. Download here. Download SSRN version with links to win-win marketing actions here
Chandon, Pierre and Brian Wansink (2011), “Is Food Marketing Making us Fat? A Multidisciplinary Review,” Foundations and Trends in Marketing, 5 (3), 113-196. Also INSEAD working paper 2011/61/MKT/ISSRC. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre, Ronn J. Smith, Vicki G. Morwitz, Eric R. Spangenberg, and David E. Sprott (2011), “When Does the Past Repeat Itself? The Interplay of Behavior Prediction and Personal Norms,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (3), 420-430. Download here.
Ordabayeva, Nailya and Pierre Chandon (2011) “Getting Ahead of the Joneses: When Equality Increases Conspicuous Consumption among Bottom-Tier Consumers,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (1), 27-41. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre (2010), “Calories perçues: l'impact du marketing,” Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, 45 (4), 174–79. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre and Nailya Ordabayeva (2009), “Supersize in one Dimension, Downsize in Three Dimensions: Effects of Spatial Dimensionality on Size Perceptions and Preferences,” Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (6), 739–53. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre, J. Wesley Hutchinson, Eric T. Bradlow, and Scott Young (2009), “Does In-Store Marketing Work? Effects of the Number and Position of Shelf Facings on Brand Attention and Evaluation at the Point of Purchase,” Journal of Marketing, 73 (6), 1-17, with Web Appendix. Download here.
Wansink, Brian, Collin R. Payne, and Pierre Chandon (2007), “Internal and External Cues of Meal Cessation: The French Paradox Redux?,” Obesity, 15 (12), 2920-24. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre and Brian Wansink (2007), “The Biasing Health Halos of Fast Food Restaurant Health Claims: Lower Calorie Estimates and Higher Side-Dish Consumption Intentions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (October), 301-14. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre and Brian Wansink (2007), “Is Obesity Caused by Calorie Underestimation? A Psychophysical Model of Fast-Food Meal Size Estimation,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (1), 84-99. Download here.  
Wansink, Brian and Pierre Chandon (2006), “Can ‘Low Fat’ Nutrition Labels Lead to Obesity?,” Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (4), 605-17. Download here.
Wansink, Brian and Pierre Chandon (2006), “Meal Size, Not Body Size, Explains Errors in Estimating the Calorie Content of Meals,” Annals of Internal Medicine, 145 (5), 326-32. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre and Brian Wansink (2006), “How Biased Household Inventory Estimates Distort Shopping and Storage Decisions,” Journal of Marketing, 70 (4), 118-35. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre, Vicki G. Morwitz, and Werner J. Reinartz (2005), “Do Intentions Really Predict Behavior? Self-Generated Validity Effects in Survey Research,” Journal of Marketing, 69 (2), 1-14. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre, Vicki G. Morwitz, and Werner J. Reinartz (2004), “The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Measuring Intent to Repurchase,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (3), 566-72. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre and Brian Wansink (2002), “When Are Stockpiled Products Consumed Faster? A Convenience—Salience Framework of Postpurchase Consumption Incidence and Quantity,” Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (3), 321-35. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre, Brian Wansink, and Gilles Laurent (2000), “A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness,” Journal of Marketing, 64 (October), 65-81. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre (1995) “Consumer Research on Sales Promotions: A State-of-the-art Literature Review,” Journal of Marketing Management, 11 (5), 419-441. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre (1995), “Dix ans de recherches sur la mesure des effets des promotions,” Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 9:4, 81-100.
Chandon, Pierre (1994) “Dix ans de recherches sur la psychologie et le comportement des consommateurs face aux promotions,” Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 9:3 83-108.

Publications: Book Chapters

Chandon, Pierre (2011), "Effects of Nutrition Information and Health Claims on Consumption," in Consumer Insights: Findings from Behavioral Research, ed. Joseph W. Alba: Marketing Science Institute. Abstract available here.
Chandon, Pierre (2011), "Effects of Portion/Package Size and Shape on Consumption," in Consumer Insights: Findings from Behavioral Research, ed. Joseph W. Alba: Marketing Science Institute. Abstract available here.
Chandon, Pierre (2011), "Calories réelles, calories perçues," in Médecine et chirurgie de l’obésité, ed. Arnaud Basdevant, Paris: Lavoisier.
Chandon, Pierre and Fabrice Etilé (2010), "Analyse des comportements de consommation alimentaire : l’apport du marketing et des sciences économiques," in Les comportements alimentaires. Quels en sont les déterminants ? Quelles actions, pour quels effets ?, ed. Patrick Etiévant, France Bellisle, Jean Dallongeville, Fabrice Etilé, Elisabeth Guichard, Martine Padilla and Monique Romon-Rousseaux, Paris: Expertise scientifique collective, INRA, 115-26. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre and Fabrice Etilé (2010), "Comportements alimentaires et politiques de santé nutritionnelle," in Les comportements alimentaires. Quels en sont les déterminants ? Quelles actions, pour quels effets ?, ed. Patrick Etiévant, France Bellisle, Jean Dallongeville, Fabrice Etilé, Elisabeth Guichard, Martine Padilla and Monique Romon-Rousseaux, Paris: Expertise scientifique collective, INRA, 187-200. Download here.
Chernev, Alexander and Pierre Chandon (2010), “Calorie Estimation Biases in Consumer Choice,” in Leveraging Consumer Psychology for Effective Health Communications: The Obesity Challenge, Rajeev Batra, Punam A. Keller and Victor J. Strecher, Eds. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E.Sharpe. Download here. Featured here.
Chandon, Pierre (2009), “Estimating Food Quantity: Biases and Remedies,” in Sensory Marketing: Research on the Sensuality of Products, Aradhna Krishna, Ed.: Taylor and Francis, 323-42. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre, J. Wesley Hutchinson, Eric T. Bradlow, and Scott Young (2007), “Measuring the Value of Point-of-Purchase Marketing with Commercial Eye-Tracking Data,” in Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action, ed. Michel Wedel and Rik Pieters, Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 225-58. Download here.

Publications: Applied Journals

Chandon, Pierre (2013), "les biais de perception de la taille des portions ; effets du packaging et du halo santé," Nutripratique, 27 (Mars), 65-70. Download here. Ordabayeva, Nailya and Pierre Chandon (2012), "When Spending Hurts," European Business Review, July, 41-43. Download here.
Smith, Ronn J., Pierre Chandon, Vicki G. Morwitz, Eric R. Spangenberg, and David E. Sprott (2012), “How to Help People Change Their Habits: Asking  about Their Plans,” Yale Economic Review, 8 (1), 15-18.
Chandon, Pierre (2011) “Calorie perçues, calories réelles : l’impact du marketing,” Symbiose, 2 (Octobre), 22-23. Download here.
Chandon, Pierre, J. Wesley Hutchinson, Eric T. Bradlow, and Scott H. Young (2009), “In-Store Marketing Works: Effects of the Number and Position of Shelf Facings on Brand Attention and Evaluation,” Journal of Retail Analytics, 5 (4), 40-42.
Wansink, Brian and Pierre Chandon (2008), "Meal Size, Not Body Size, Explains Food Intake Estimation Errors," Practical Diabetology, 27 (4), 6-8. (lead article).
Chandon, Pierre, Vicki G. Morwitz, and Werner Reinartz (2005), “Intentions Don't Always Predict Buying Behavior, Marketing News, 39 (6), 34-33.
Chandon, Pierre (2004), “Innovative Marketing Strategies after Patent Expiry: The Case of GSK’s Antibiotic Clamoxyl in France,” International Journal of Medical Marketing, 4 (1), 65-77. Download here. Reprinted with commentaries in the Journal of Generic Medicines, 1 (4), 353-361.
Chandon, Pierre (1998) “Comment créer des promotions efficaces et rentables: le point de vue des experts”, Décisions Marketing, vol. 12, 23-30. 
Bernadet, Jean-Pierre, Pierre Chandon, Pierre Desmet, Florence Fargette, Francis Guilbert, Gilles Laurent, Claude Oustlan, Michel Toporkoff et Pierre Volle (1998) “La promotion des ventes en France: évolution et révolutions”, Décisions Marketing, vol. 12, 9-22.
Chandon, Pierre, Brian Wansink and Gilles Laurent (1999) “Hedonic and Utilitarian Consumer Benefits of Sales Promotions”, Marketing Science Institute Report No. 99-109.
Chandon, Pierre and Gilles Laurent (1997) “Les effets de la promotion des ventes”, Hommes et Commerce, n° 259, mai 1997, pp. 22-24.
Gilles Laurent and Pierre Chandon (1999) “La promotion des ventes: un outil puissant et diversifié”, Les Echos, 21-22/05/1999, supplément “L’Art du Marketing”, pp. VI-VII. Reprinted in L’Art du Marketing, Editions Village Mondial and Financial Times Limited, 1999.
Chandon, Pierre and Gilles Laurent (1998) “Promotion des Ventes: Effets, Stratégies, Comportements,” PhD dissertation, in Les Etudes du Groupe HEC,  90 pages. Download here.

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